Music is A Treat

Music is A Treat
Music is a Treat image courtesy of The Bulletin Board Lady - Tracy King. All rights reserved.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bryant School Song

Starting in January, our school is going to start having monthly all school assemblies to promote school culture and togetherness. I wrote this (very simple) song and will be teaching it to the kids so that we can sing it at the beginning of assemblies, or anytime our school is together as a whole. It's not going to win any Grammies, but I think it is pretty cute and catchy and it has been stuck in my head since I wrote it :) So far, the classes that have learned it have had a lot of fun singing it! Here is a recording of Ms. Puente's 2nd grade class singing the song. The recording is not the best quality (it was recorded in 5 minutes on garageband), but it will give you a general idea of the song. And please forgive my guitar playing :)

Have a great Friday, everyone!

B-R-Y (clap clap) A-N-T (clap clap)
Bryant is the place to be!
B-R-Y (clap clap) A-N-T (clap clap)
I love Bryant School! (Rawr!)

We're safe, respectful and responsible,
Each and every day.
We are kind to everyone,
When we work and play.

As Bryant Tigers, we do our best,
And learn in different ways.
We celebrate diversity, 
And that is why we say...oh!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2nd Grade: Recycled Music

In 2nd grade humanities, we have been talking about ways that we can protect our environment and keep our earth clean. Since our school received new recycling bins that now allow us to recycle cans and bottles, as well as paper, we have been talking about the importance of using the 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). One way in which we have been reusing in music class is by taking old water cooler jugs and using them as drums. We also have a gong that is made out of an oil drum top.

In class, students watched a video called "Landfill Harmonic" about a group of students who live in a village in Paraguay that is built on a landfill. Even though these kids do not have a lot of money, they have found a way to still have music in their lives. One member of their community started making instruments (violins, cellos, saxophones, flutes) out of items found in the landfill. It is amazing to hear how real these instruments sound and to see how important they are to these students. We talked about how lucky we are to go to Ann Arbor schools, where we get to play instruments no matter how much money we have.

Lastly, we were introduced to the music group "Stomp" that originated in the UK. These musicians and dancers make music out of ordinary items. We loved listening to their rhythms and seeing what great music they could make out of the most interesting things.

Nutcracker Field Trip Fun!

I had such a great time taking the 1st graders to go see the Nutcracker ballet today. They were wonderful audience members and did a great job representing Bryant. It was very cute to see them get excited when they recognized a new character on stage, and I loved seeing them bounce in their seats when they recognized one of the songs that we learned in class.  The kids had a great time and so did I! When we returned to school, I was able to talk with some classes about what they liked most about the show. Here were some of our favorite things about the Nutcracker...

"When Clara danced." "When the canon went off." "The snow." "When the Nutcracker battled the Mouse Queen." "When the Nutcracker leaped in the air."

Thanks to all the teachers and chaperones that came to make the trip go smoothly. Here are a couple of quick photos I took of some of our students waiting for the show to start.

Friday, December 7, 2012

2nd Grade Music Choice Day

Today, all of the 2nd grade classes earned enough behavior stars to get their 3rd special day (for Mr. Kinasz's class, this was their 4th earned day). Yesterday, classes voted on what they wanted to do for their day and I was amazed that just about every class chose something different. The 4 choices were...

1. Music Centers
2. Computer Lab (to go on the blog and play music games)
3. Music Video
4. Music Games Day

Mrs. Kitzmann's and Mr. Kinasz's classes both chose to have games day. We had a lot of fun learning a hand clap game called "Stella Ella Ola." Then we had a ton of fun taking out the parachute. With the parachute, our challenge was to make BeBe (our tiny monkey friend) bounce on the parachute and sling-shot to the ceiling. The only way to make BeBe do this was to keep a steady beat as a class. By keeping a steady beat together, the middle of the parachute would go up creating the perfect launching pad for BeBe. There were lots of smiles and giggles during this activity. 

Ms. Puente's class chose to watch a video, so we watched "Stomp Out Loud." Fitting in with 2nd grade humanities, we have been talking about ways that we can protect our environment and keep our earth clean. In class we have been talking about the 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and the ways in which we have been doing that in our class. Since they make their music out of ordinary, recycled items, the Stomp group is a perfect example of reusing materials for different purposes.

Lastly, Ms. McManus's class chose to go to the computer lab and play music games on the music blog. They had a lot of fun playing the games and exploring the site. Again, one of the favorite games this time was the "Blob Chorus." Students also liked the "Instrument Sounds Game" as well (which reinforces Science humanities concepts). 

Here are a few photos from Mrs. Martin's music centers today...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Kira Kira Boshi (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Today in Kindergarten music, we read and sang the song-story "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." In this book, the little girl goes on an adventure through the sky, meeting the planets and other stars. After this story, we talked about how this song can be sung in many different languages. We then watched the video of "Twinkle Twinkle" in Japanese ("Kira Kira Boshi"). Over the next few months, we will be learning the song in Japanese. I've included the video here so that you can practice at home! (Once we learn it in Japanese, our next language to try it in will be Spanish!)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Free vs. Bound Flow Dancers

In 2nd grade music class today, we talked about the difference between Free and Bound flow. When moving our bodies with free flow, we are feeling the energy of the music in our entire bodies--head to toe. Free flow helps us to feel the space in between the beats. Bound flow is when we are moving with tightened, tense muscles (we said it felt like there was a force field around our bodies that we were trying to break free of). Both types of flow are important in allowing us to fully feel the music. Musicians who can move their bodies freely are more likely to have better rhythm because they are not only hearing the music, but are feeling it with their entire bodies.

The dancers in this video are a perfect example of moving with flow, and the students LOVED watching it. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Nutcracker: 1st Grade Fun

This week in 1st grade music we began our study of Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker." On Thursday December 13th, I will be taking the 1st graders on a field trip to the Power Center to see the Ann Arbor Ballet Theatre's performance of this famous ballet. We first learned about the story by acting out different parts. Certain students got to act out different characters, and some "special guests" even visited our classroom (Drosselmeyer, The Sugar Plum Fairy, and The Mouse King).

From now until our field trip on the 13th, we will continue to learn about The Nutcracker music through fun movement activities and story telling. We will also learn more about what a ballet is, and how we should act when in the audience. I am already looking forward to this field trip, and judging from their engagement in class this week, I know the students are too!

Here are some of the most recognizable pieces from the Nutcracker. As we learn more about them, you can play them at home and see if your child can teach you some of the movement activities that we learned.

**NOTE: You will not be able to play the recordings without downloading the Spotify program to your computer first. It is a free program and allows you access to a huge library of streaming music. It is pretty awesome :)**

Kindergarten Echoes

This week in Kindergarten music we read a story called "Happy Birthday, Moon" by Frank Asch. In this story, Bear decides that he wants to give the moon a birthday present, so he goes up to the top of the mountains to ask the moon what he wants for his birthday. When bear starts talking to the moon, he thinks that the moon is talking back to him, but all he is really hearing is his own echo! "What do you want for your birthday?" said bear. "What do you want for your birthday?" said the moon. 
The students loved listening to this story and we had a great talk about what an echo really is. Then, we sang and echo song "Sing After Me." Here is a video of Elmo and Ernie singing this fun song!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey Songs

In honor of Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday, here are a couple of our favorite "turkey" songs. While singing fun turkey songs this week, we have also been talking a lot about things that we are thankful for. I just want to take a moment to say how thankful I am to be the music teacher at Bryant Elementary. Every day, I have the joy of coming to a job that I love and working with some very bright and talented young students. Bryant is a very special community and I feel very grateful to be a part of it. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Turkey Named Burt

Here is a recording of Mrs. Micou's 1st grade class doing our "Turkey Named Burt" chant. They did a great job! I wish I could have put up a video so that you could see their dance, but maybe you can get a performance of it at home :)

"A turkey named Burt thought he'd make up a dance and do it for the King and the Queen. If he did it real well, and they liked it a lot, they wouldn't eat him--that would be mean!

He went 'slide, close--slide, close. Flap your wings and touch your toes.' He went 'slide, close--slide, close. Turn around and touch your nose.'"

Monday, November 12, 2012

Zuni Rain Song

This past week in Kindergarten music, we have been singing a song called the "Zuni Rain Song." In class, we have been talking about how thankful we are for all of the wonderful things that nature provides us. We read a story called "Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message," that talked about how each and every part of nature is beautiful and helps us out in many ways.

One part of nature that we decided was very important was the rain because it helps all living things grow. We especially loved getting to hear and play with rain sticks and had fun doing the hand motions to this song from the Zuni tribe.

Here's a recording of Mrs. Joseph's Kindergarten class singing to the "Zuni Rain Song." Enjoy!

"Come again, come again, come good rain. Fall upon the mountains and on the plains. Come again, come again, come good rain. Water for the river and for the grains."

Friday, November 9, 2012

Rocks in the Crust of the Earth

In 2nd grade Humanities, we have been making connections with what students are learning about in science. Students already have, or will start talking about the different types of rocks in class and how they are formed.

Here is a recording of Ms. Puente's 2nd grade class singing about the 3 different types of rocks (Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary). Listen as Ms. Puente's class "rocks out" (get it?!) singing to this song! (And please forgive my guitar playing :) )

Great job, 2nd graders!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

5 Little Jack-O-Lanterns

Here is a recording of Mrs. Klein's Kindergarten class singing "5 Little Jack-O-Lanterns." Great job, Mrs. Klein's class!

"I'm a jack-o-lantern with a great big grin. 
I'm a jack-o-lantern with a candle in. 
5 little jack-o-lanterns sitting on a gate. 
The first one said 'oh my, it's getting late!' 
The second one said 'let's have some fun!' 
The third one said 'let's run, let's run!' 
The fourth one said 'let's dance, let's prance!' 
The fifth one said 'now is our chance...' 
Then whoosh went the wind and out went the lights,
And five jack-o-lanterns rolled out of sight."

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Many Mumbling Mice

Here is a recording of Mrs. Toon's 1st Grade class singing the song "Many Mumbling Mice." Listen as we practice singing our "M" words in Minor tonality. It's quite the tongue twister, but they are doing a great job! I am very proud music teacher :) Great job, Mrs. Toon's class!

"Many mumbling mice, are making merry music in the moonlight--Mighty nice."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Shake Dem Halloween Bones!

One of our favorite songs in music class the past week has been "Shake Dem Halloween Bones." It's based of a children's book that we put music to and it is all about a fun Halloween party where different storybook characters show up. Listen and see what characters you recognize!

Here is a recording of Mr. Brines' 1st grade class singing along. They were so excited to be recorded (and a few of them wanted to make sure their voices were heard :))  Listen and you'll know what I mean!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Marionettes, Mountains and Music...oh my!

Hi everyone! Here are two of the songs that we listened to in 2nd grade music class this week. 

First, listen to "Funeral March of the Marionette" by Charles Gounod. The beginning is a little different than what you know, but at 39 seconds in you will begin to recognize the music. See if you can pretend to be a marionette marching to the music. Maybe someone at home will do it with you!

Then listen to "The Hall of the Mountain King." Do you remember the "hand jive" we did in class? And what two things did Edvard Grieg, the composer, do to the theme to make it more interesting? What did he change from the beginning to the end? See if you can tell the story and teach the "hand jive" to someone at home!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Music Rollercoaster

ZKO Rollercoaster // GREAT EMOTIONS from virtual republic on Vimeo.

Check out this AWESOME video! It turns Ferdinand Ries' 2nd Symphony into a rollercoaster. Watch and listen to how the ups and downs of the rollercoaster match perfectly with the music. I could just watch this over and over again. How cool!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Go Get 'Em Tigers!

All of our singing and chanting for the Tigers must have been good luck, because Detroit swept the Yankees and are headed to the World Series! I'm sure they are thankful to the great students of Bryant for cheering and sending positive thoughts! Way to go, Tigers!

"We're all behind our baseball team
Go Get 'Em Tigers
World Series bound and pickin' up steam
Go Get 'Em Tigers

There'll be joy in Tigertown
We'll sing you songs
When the Bengals bring the pennant
Home where it belongs

We're all behind our baseball team
Go Get 'Em
Detroit Tigers
Go Get 'Em Tigers!"

Kindergarten and First Grade Songs

Here are some of our favorite songs we have been singing in Kindergarten and First Grade music the past couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy singing them at home! In the songs "Birdie, Birdie" and "Underneath the Spreading Apple Tree," Kindergartners have been learning to "audiate." While audiation is much more complex, the simple explanation that I tell the kids is that it is "singing and thinking music in your head." In these songs, students are asked to "audiate" certain words. Have fun!

1st Grade Music Centers

This week in music class, 1st graders earned enough behavior stars to have a special Music Centers day. They did a great job at their centers and were very responsible music makers. Each student got a chance to participate at each center. The 4 centers were...

  • Music Library Center: We read through music books. 
  • Note Drawing Center: We practiced drawing music notes and symbols.
  • Keyboard Center: We explored on the keyboards.
  • Puppet Center: We got to use finger puppets and sing with Ms. Ritter!
1st graders, what was your favorite music center?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Community

In 2nd grade Social Studies, students have been learning about communities. In our humanities class we learned a song by Joe Reilly called "My Community." Click on the button below to listen to the song and sing along!

"My community is where I live, work and play. 
My community cares what I think, do and say. 

My community is not too big and not too small. 
My community has enough room for us all. 
My community teaches me how to be a part of something,
Bigger than me. Community!"

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Michigan Football and Music

Check it out! These guys are great examples of working hard and following your dreams. They are two Michigan football players who are also musicians. When they are not in practice or on the football field, they are busy doing something else that they love--MUSIC! How cool! GO BLUE!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Music Blog Scavenger Hunt

Welcome, Scavenger Hunters! I'm glad you came to check out the blog and try to earn a prize. 

Here's how you do it... 

Have someone at home help you answer the 5 questions below and bring me the answers. All of the answers are found here on the blog! If you bring me back your completed paper, you get a prize! Happy Hunting! 

1. "Music is a _____________." (**HINT: Ice cream...**) 

2. Name 3 ways we learn music...(**HINT: It's on the left side...) 

3. On the post called "2nd Grade Rhythm Reading," click on the box that says "Let's Read Music!" Go through the steps and practice your rhythm reading. At the very end, you will see a cartoon of Ms. Ritter. 
What is Ms. Ritter's cartoon holding? __________________ 

4. Ask your parents if they want to fill in their email address in the top right corner and "Subscribe" to our blog. If they don't want to, don't worry about it, but if they do, they will get an email update whenever something new is added to the blog (and I try to add fun things for you to do often!) 

5. Name on fun, new thing that you found on the blog.

 Have fun!

Haydn's "Surprise Symphony"

 Hi 2nd graders! Click on on the box above to hear Franz Joseph Haydn's "Surprise Symphony!" Do you remember what the "surprise" was? What a funny musical joke Haydn was telling! 

Do you remember what the listening map looked like? If you go to this website, you can see the listening map and even print out your own.

Remember: When reading a map, we always need a KEY to know what each symbol means. Do you remember what the KEY looked like to our listening map in class?

Monday, October 8, 2012

2nd Grade Rhythm Reading

Hi, 2nd graders! Here is a way for you to practice your rhythm reading at home. Click on the picture below and follow the directions.

1. Look at the rhythm pattern.
2. Read the pattern using rhythm syllables (Du and Du De).
3. Click on the next slide to hear the answer 
***To hear the answers, make sure the sound is turned up on your computer***

How many patterns can you read correctly?
To see a larger version of this Voice Thread, click here...

Music Centers

Two weeks ago, 2nd graders earned enough behavior stars to get to have a special Music Centers day. During our centers day, there were 4 different centers set up throughout the room and everyone got to spend time at each center. The 4 centers were...

  • Keyboard Center: we got to wear headphones and play and make up songs on our class keyboards. This was, by far, the favorite center. 
  • Music Library Center: we got to read stories and books about music. "Jazz Fly," "Pete the Cat" and "Music Teacher from the Black Lagoon" were definite favorites.
  • Glockenspiel Center: we got to play glockenspiels and try and figure out how to play different songs by following along with song sheets.
  • Music Game Center: we got to play musical "Go Fish" with different notes, and played a music memory game.
Overall, it was a really fun day. Already looking forward to our next music centers day!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fun Songs

Here are a couple more fun songs to get you moving and grooving at home. Enjoy!

Tootie Ta!

Here is one of our favorite songs to do at the end of Kindergarten and 1st grade music. Super silly and super fun! They love it so much that I even hear them singing it on the playground and in the lunch line. Enjoy!

CHS Storytellers Visit

This past Thursday, 1st graders in Mr. Brines' and Ms. Garvin's class had a special visit by three students from Community High School who came to tell them some African stories. For the presentation, Mr. Brines' and Ms. Garvin's class came together in the music room to watch the show. The three girls from CHS did a great job at involving the students, and the kids loved how they acted out their stories. At the end, they got to ask questions about the stories and talk about what they learned from them. Their favorite of the two stories was "Black Snake and the Eggs."

After the storytellers finished telling their stories, we even had time for a full music class (with 45 1st graders!) where we sang some fun songs with Ms. Ritter.

Thanks to CHS for coming out and making it a special day for our students!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Brahms and Baseball: Eat 'em up, Tigers!

Today in 2nd grade music class (and some 1st grade classes) we celebrated the Detroit Tigers making it to the post season, and Miguel Cabrera's amazing Triple Crown victory!

First, we listened to Brahms' "Hungarian Dances No. 5" as Ms. Ritter acted out the story. The students' job was to figure out what story was being acted out, and they got it right away--a baseball game! Then, we talked about the form of the piece and how we can write out the form just like a musical map to follow along with the music and actions (2nd graders are learning about maps in Social Studies :)) Lastly, we got to act it out ourselves!

Here is the form of the piece (our musical road map...)

A=Stretch, B=Up at bat, C=Home Run! D=Slow Motion Replay Coda=Take a bow!

STUDENTS: Play the recording of "Hungarian Dances No. 5" and see if you can act out the baseball story again. Be sure to follow the map above to know what comes next! See if you can teach it or show it to someone at home!

To finish our baseball themed lesson, we also sang "Take Me Out To the Ball Game" and sang the "Eat 'em up, Tigers!" Chant and had a blast. What a fun day!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bryant Family Musical Traditions

What a great first month in music class! I have truly enjoyed getting to know each and every student at Bryant and have had a wonderful time making music with such a special group of students. 

One of my favorite things about being at Bryant so far has been teaching in such a diverse school. As a music teacher, I believe in the importance of exposing our students to rich musical cultures from around the world, and what a better way to do this than through the help of our own Bryant community?! That is why I am calling on you! This month, I will be “collecting” children’s songs from Bryant families that represent their musical and cultural traditions (songs can be in any language!) I will then take these songs and teach them in the classroom throughout the year, highlighting where the song came from and celebrating the diversity of our school. 

Here’s how you can help…either email me the song in some form (lyrics and translation or mp3 recording), or contact me and we can set up a time for you to teach the song to me in person (we would only need 5 minutes) before or after school. This will be a fun way for your children to share their musical traditions and I look forward to learning more about our students through the process. I really hope you will consider contributing! Thanks!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wish List

It's only September and the music room is already full of sneezes and sniffles! If would like to help us stay healthy as the cold and flu season approaches, we would gladly accept donations of the following...

--Tissue Boxes
--Clorox (or other disinfectant) wipes
--Hand Sanitizer

Thank you!!!

--Ms. Ritter

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Week Fun!

Since school started, there has been a lot of learning going on in the music room! Here are some of the things that students have been doing in each grade. I probably won't get this detailed most of the time about what we are learning, but I just thought I'd share some of the fun things we have been doing during the first week of school . . .

KINGERGARTEN: Since school began, I have enjoyed hearing what beautiful voices our Kindergarteners have. So far in music class, we have done some finger chants and sang "Open Shut Them" and "Where is Thumbkin?" As I guessed, many students already knew these songs and were very excited to sing them with everyone! We also were introduced to my friend Kiki the Koala who talked to us about our different kinds of voices and did some silly rhythmic chants with us. We also got to hear a story about a little birdie that Ms. Ritter met, and even see his picture. We then sang his song with sign language all by ourselves. We have had fun singing some action songs where students get to follow what the leader is doing, and explore keeping the beat in different places on their bodies. Lastly, we got to take our Ms. Ritter's new scarves and move with them around the room.

FIRST GRADE: First grade music has gotten off to a great start! So far, first graders have learned a fun echo hello song where we got to sing hello with many different emotions and voices. We also sang a song called "Are You Happy" where we were able to catch my yarn ball and sing our answers on the resting tone (we especially like the yarn ball!) We then got to do a silly popcorn chant ("my feet love the rhythm of the popcorn") where we were able to keep the big beat in different places of our bodies. Ms. Ritter then turned us into popcorn kernels and we were given a chance to be popped and jump up and sing our names! This week, we learned some silly songs and chants about fish and were able to dance as well. Over all, first grade music has been a blast and I look forward to what the year will bring.

SECOND GRADE: I have really enjoyed teaching our second graders here at Bryant (especially since I get to see them 4 days a week!) Since school has started, we have learned a lot. Here are some of the things we have done. . .

  • Learned a song from Ghana called "Kye Kye Kule" 
  • Done some "jazzercise" body warm-ups to get our muscles loose
  • Learned about and played glockenspiels
  • Done some body percussion echoes ("stay 4 beats behind me. . .")
  • Learned about how a djembe is played and the song "Salaam Aleikum"
  • Done rhythmic echoes with rhythm sticks
  • Felt the macrobeat and chanted with our stretchy band ("Engine Engine #9")
  • Learned about how our voices produce sound (what our vocal chords do, how sound travels in waves and is made up of vibrations. . . )
  • Done some vocal exploration exercises and learned about the difference between our head and chest voice. 
  • Had some fun with bean bags!

Music Behavior Stars

My first week and a half at Bryant have been great! I have loved getting to know each and every student and we have had a lot of fun making music together in the music room.

On the first music class, all students were welcomed into the newly decorated music room. I loved hearing all of the "oohs!" and "ahs" as students entered the room and saw all of the new things. Some of their favorite new things were the keyboard center (that will be used on special "Music Centers" days), the boomwhacker wall, and the Birthday Gong! They also were given a special spot around the outside of the rug so that I can learn their names more quickly.

First and Second graders started their "Music Behavior Stars" chart as well. Every music class, students have the chance to earn up to 6 stars for following our music class rules. Every day, I add up their stars and once they reach a certain number, they earn a choice day in music class. A choice day could centers, music games day, instrument of your choice day, music movie day. Students earn stars for....

1. Entering the music room quietly and ready to learn
2. Being respectful of the teacher, students and materials
3. Raising their hand
4. Participating to the best of their ability
5. Lining up and going into the halls quietly
***If everyone in the entire class follows these rules the whole time, they can then earn a bonus star!***

So far, students have been doing a great job with these rules and stars. They help for us to create a safe, positive environment where we are free to have fun and make music!

Curriculum Night

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the music table and said hi last night at curriculum night! It was great to get to meet some parents, and I look forward to many more conversations about music and your child in the future.

If you have not done so already, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our music room blog by putting in your email address in the top right corner of this page. You will then get an email message every time I update this blog. I often add pictures, messages, and videos about what we are doing in class, as well as fun music websites for students to visit.

Looking forward to a great year in music class!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Music Room Makeover!

Here are some pictures of the newly decorated music room. Looking forward to welcoming 380 bright and eager faces to do some music making this year :) 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Welcome Back!

Dear Bryant Families and Friends--

My name is Kelly Ritter and I am thrilled to be joining the Bryant staff as your child's new music teacher. I am a highly qualified teacher and earned my Bachelors degree from the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) in Vocal Performance and Music Education. Prior to teaching at Bryant, I taught in Detroit, MI as well as Dexter, MI. I am extremely dedicated to music education and love nothing more than helping your child learn and grow through music.

This year in music class, we have lots of exciting things planned. As research studies show, children learn music through a variety of activities, all of which happen regularly in the music room. These activities include...singing, chanting, moving, dancing, playing instruments, listening, creating, improvising, reading, writing, audiating and describing. Please reference the "Pages" section on the right hand margin of this blog for links to each grade and a more detailed description of what your child will be doing in music class.

Through these activities, it is my goal to help your child not only grow as a musician, but to expose them to different cultures, give them new forms of self expression, and welcome them into the wonderful world of music.

I hope to communicate regularly with family and friends through this blog, as well as monthly newsletters that will be sent home with your child. Also, please feel free to contact me by phone or email. ( If you would like to receive email updates about what is happening in the music room, please enter your email address in the upper right hand corner of the page. You will then get an email every time I post something new to this blog.

I wish you and your families all the best for the beginning of the school year and I look forward to making music with your student in the upcoming year! Be sure to check back to our blog often, as I put up pictures, videos and updates on a weekly basis.

Musically yours,

Ms. Ritter